Friday, February 22, 2008


Poor Oakley has been so sick!!! Running a high fever and just sad. He is such a good sick baby. All he does is rest his head on my shoulder. On top of all this, we lost his beloved elephant. The one he sleeps with. He is tolerating this very well, but it is still sad for me. I bought a replacement, and he seemed happy with it until bed time. Then he was angry with it. He is feeling a bit better today... I tried to nurse him before his nap this morning (as i usually do) and Oakley just wanted to sleep.

Thomas started his course on Wednesday. HOORAY! He is stressed out, not because it is over difficult, but because army course=stress.

I am trying to tidy... but procrastinating. I want to clean... but i dont know where to start... and my knitting is calling me.


Rachel said...

I was wondering if you found the elephant in the car or not. Sorry to hear you didn't :(

dawna said...

for when you want to clean, but you don't know where to start. the flylady has been a saving grace in my life these past months...

jordin said...

I tried flylady after jul was born... i found all the emails and trying to navigate the site more overwhelming than just tackling the cleaning.

Maybe i should give it another try.

dawna said...

this is where you should start on her webpage. i must admit i don't like navigating her website either... and the emails did seem overwhelming at first. but now it seems as though i have simply absorbed them. at first, i read the reminders and deleted them right away, and picked through the testimonials to read only the ones that seemed interesting to me. but after reading testimonial after testimonial, and essay after essay, i started to realize that the negative voices in my head really were being replaced with positive ones from the flylady. and now, i do things without realizing i've done it... sometimes i think i should go do something, and when i get there, find it's already been done! and i really use the reminders now - where is my laundry? and what's for dinner? are my favorite reminders - they make me think about those things early in the day. i am much more at peace with things these days!

anyway, good luck with it!