Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Yarn Along

Since last week i still havent found the blue vest. I am starting to freak out a bit. but i did get this done. I havent had time for reading. Other than recipes for the extra house guests. I love my slowcooker!!!

I think that i just might be able to pull this all off. Finish this one, find the blue one and sew ties. Yeah... i can do this. Especially if i dont plan on sleeping.


Rachel said...

Good luck! I hope you find the vest SOON!

jordin said...

Thanks Rachel!

Carol said...

Lovely color and pattern. Hope you find the vest soon. This sounds sooo familiar...

my yarn along link is http://www.mymummyknits.comyarn-along-3/

Jarka said...

lost? it's lost??? wow! :D good luck with that, I hope you find it... :D
and merry christmas :)

jordin said...

I hope to find the vest soon too!!! I cant understand where it went to!


S/V Mari Hal-O-Jen said...

Lost - oh no!

I like the green sweater pattern, looks warm and comfy.

jordin said...

YES. lost, half way done. and it is a gift to be given this Christmas morning!